Zen-flying-mountain-experience with Johanna |
It´s 11.17 am, peacuful and quiet here in cafeteria. Kedja started yesterday with opening ceremony at Arktisk Kultursenter. I have been sick (driven by gods of fever) for few days but now i feel being back in business with my rally english and kidney beans. Luckily second year student Alli Mattila has been here also by shooting and editing films to you. Alli - the true ally!
So, Hammerfest. It´s dark, beautiful, not TOO expensive and exotic place. People have been polite to us and all the arrangements considering to the festival have been done well. Yesterday some of us were hiking in the mountains that surround the city and they said it was so windy up there that you could fly. I skipped my yoga class this morning to have my own zen-flying-experience up there. It wasn´t windy at all this time. By contrast it was actually very peaceful and snowing. Perfect start for the day i would say. Some of us have been spending time with locals in moody cafeterias and some of us have just been wondering about people selling polar bear´s meat at the town. Spending your free time here is not a problem. There´s enough space and nature letting your soul to have a nap but still enough people around to have your social circle satisfied. It´s kind of easy to be a superstar here.
Opening ceremony at Arktisk Kultursenter |
Mikko being roped during opening |
We have seen many performances already here and yesterday´s ”Spa för livet” (not in the picture above) touched me. I felt it was kind of spa simulation dealing this modern time, rushing, growing up, having everything but still having nothing. I couldn´t understand most of the lingual aspects because it was in norwegian but it still got my attention and was easy to follow through. I just came from a panel discussion considering the piece and some people had had thoughts about the piece being kind of too light or parody-like while it still handled very serious topics about consuming culture etc. I didn´t feel like that at all and afterwards i think like that because of very emotional driven soundscape/atmosphere which was made by echoing and modulating speech, instruments and signing. It kind of made the piece together not being too ironic or funny. It was kind of real while the motion and dancers were presenting something artificial. That´s just a one benefit of having a talented musician who handles the art of improvisation. As a total all supporting elements were in right places at right time during the show.
Breakfast debate |
After performances we have discussed a lot about feelings and it has been very interesting to see points through dancer´s eyes. As a sound designer/musician i can´t help it that i look so many aspects through the audio and it affects to my emotions so much. Talented dancing and/or beautiful choreography itself is nothing if it doesn´t communicate with other supporting elements (music, audience, scenery etc). There can be a house without windows. Yes - it is still house but it doesn´t have windows. Some people may like it like that but i want to know at least WHY there´s no windows ;)
Okay, that kind of thoughts. See ya soon!